
History of Ramadan

You know it’s coming near. Every day your phone is getting more and more Ramadan-themed messages. Social media groups are buzzing with discussions about fasting. Masjids organise special circles (halaqas). If it’s your first Ramadan you might feel both anxious and excited. If it’s the second, fifth or tenth, you still probably want it to... Read more »

On Praying : Why Bother Some People Say

Why do Muslims pray so often? Why is there such a heavy emphasis on worshipping Allah subḥānahu wa ta’āla (glorified and exalted be He)? Why does Allah subḥānahu wa ta’āla (glorified and exalted be He) need people to worship and praise him all the time?

MCN Website Gets a Facelift

Well here we are, Ramadan 2016 is few days away and Muslim Converts Network (MCN) surprises everyone with their brand spanking new website. It’s about time says Hakeem Wise, MCN’s new website editor, another surprise for you. It’s been a while, but finally we have arrived with the new website, the new website has a... Read more »

And Hold Firmly to The Rope of Allah and Do Note be Divided

Date: September 5-6, 2014 Time: 1-5 PM Venue: Zamboanga City Coliseum There is no Islam without unity, no unity without leadership, and no leadership without obedience. MARKAZ DAR-ATTAZKIYYAH INC. one of the Islamic center in the heart of Manila proudly present “AND HOLD FIRMLY TO THE ROPE OF ALLAH ALL TOGETHER AND DO NOT BECOME […]

The post And Hold Firmly to The Rope of Allah and Do Note be Divided appeared first on Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips.

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