MCN Website Gets a Facelift
Well here we are, Ramadan 2016 is few days away and Muslim Converts Network (MCN) surprises everyone with their brand spanking new website. It’s about time says Hakeem Wise, MCN’s new website editor, another surprise for you.
It’s been a while, but finally we have arrived with the new website, the new website has a fresh and lean look to it and gets to the point, we are here to get you connected with your community, get to know who, what, where and the when you should be going to gain those early vital lessons and connections in the community/area you living in.
We will be doing our level best to post as many events, organisations, and the people waiting to help you get familiar with Islam.
We will start by sharing from our close partnership we have with Quran Project, as Ramadan is just around the corner here is something to get you prepared for Ramadan.
The Qur’an Project has published this years Ramadan Guide [32 pages] and its ideal in so many ways. Copies are for free and also available in PDF.
– Download your copy [PDF] –
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Includes, recommendations, daily checklist, targets, 30 virtues of Dhikr, Dua’s from the Qur’an and more.
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